Thursday, August 26, 2010

The Recycling Revolution

Say you want a revolution? 
This is where you might expect me to overwhelm you with facts that are supposed to scare or guilt you into recycling because if you don't the world will end. While it's true that there are numerous downsides to NOT recycling, I like to focus on the positive.
I even waffle from time to time on the issue, when I look at my small home and think about the fact that the nearest recycling center is 40 miles away, I admit that I hesitate. While I am an advocate of consuming less and producing less waste, the biggest challenge I face is getting the rest of my family in on the enthusiasm. Let's face it, we all want to do our part to reduce our footprint but when it comes down to it, everyone has to be willing not to back down from the less attractive side of the green revolution. 
Recycling, in my opinion is one of the top choices in preserving our planet. My family of five has reduced it's actual landfill waste to one bag of garbage a week!! Everything else that we throw away can be recycled or composted!! TO ME, THAT IS AMAZING, considering we could make a garbage can overflow each week. I try very hard not to buy products that can't be recycled, like sour cream, yogurt, and plastic containers in which my center doesn't accept. It is good to visit your neighborhood recycling center, since they all differ. 
Here are a few more benefits to recycling, and I challenge you to do your part. 

  • Every ton of paper that is recycled saves 17 trees.
  • The energy we save when we recycle one glass bottle is enough to light a light bulb for four hours
  • It is important to reduce our reliance on foreign oil. Recycling helps us do that by saving energy
  • A national recycling rate of 30% reduces greenhouse gas emissions as much as removing nearly 25 million cars from the road.
  • Recycling conserves natural resources, such as timber, water, and minerals
  • When one ton of steel is recycled, 2,500 pounds of iron ore, 1,400 pounds of coaland 120 pounds of limestone are conserved.
  • Well-run recycling programs cost less to operate than waste collection, landfilling, and incineration.
  • Recycling creates 1.1 million U.S. jobs, $236 billion in gross annual sales and $37 billion in annual payrolls.
**These recycling facts have been compiled from various sources including the National Recycling Coalition, the Environmental Protection Agency, and

Item's you can recycle: Paper, cardboard, plastic, glass, aluminum cans, tin cans, plastic bags, batteries, cooking oil, ink cartridges, and more. 

REMEMBER, You can do it and it does matter!!! 

Adventure Sports

Sport has always been a means for people to increase their mastery of nature and the environment. So it is not surprising that in recent times there has been a move towards adventure sports as a form escapism. Adventure sports are a way of transcending the routines, stresses and demands of everyday life.

Active bodies stay healthier and when a body is active, it usually looks and feels better. One particular aspect of adventure sports activities is that they can promote a real sense of personal satisfaction, which can lead to increased confidence and increased social acceptance.

If you would like to get into an adventure sport and are not sure where to start then let us help. One World Adventure Company offers Rock Climbing, Rappelling, Canoeing, Kayaking, Caving, and Backpacking.
We can work with beginners from ages 10 and up. Groups need to be no less than 10. So gather a couple of families, or a group of friends and give us a call. One World provides gear, food, and lodging for a reasonable price.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Women's Fall Retreat October 8th-10th

Busy Women Should Tap the Benefits of a Wellness Retreat

Caught in the maelstrom of daily life, we tend to forget which is more important—getting the day’s jobs done, or cultivating our health and happiness. Fragmented, unfulfilled, and unable to reach our full potential, we stretch our energy across a hundred projects instead of one.

We pay a chilling price for letting stress engulf our lives. The greatest consequence is not declining productivity or chronic crankiness, but that our dreams get lost in the daily shuffle. We lose track of our center, our truest goals, and the things that are really important to us.

It’s amazing what a little bit of fresh air can do to help us shift gears. “Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better,” counseled Albert Einstein. There is undeniably something about being in the out-of-doors that lets us regain perspective. Here is your chance to release your true self with women just like you who are seeking a harmonious way of life.

You are invited to Mentone, Alabama to experience an empowering, uplifting, fun weekend  focused on women only. Activities such as canoeing, kayaking, rappelling, rock climbing, challenge course, healthy cooking and gardening, aromatherapy,and much more that promotes self confidence, awareness, and relaxation.
Cost is $140 for the all inclusive weekend. Leave it all behind and bring a mom, daughter, grandmother, sister, aunt, or friend.

To Register Contact: 256-634-8370
Or Email:

Friday, August 20, 2010

Health Benefits of Canoeing and Kayaking; Friday in Coon Gulf

Billy, Ellie and I had an awesome day exploring Coon Gulf in Jackson County, Alabama. We packed our lunch, loaded our canoe and our wonder dog Dexter.
It was our first time in the Gulf, we paddled back about 3 miles into Coon Creek before we decided to turn around to search for some caves which we have been hearing about. We discovered a small cave opening, so we decided to check it out. Oh boy, did the air coming that was blowing out feel great! We relaxed in the canoe enjoyed our lunch. Beautiful green and blue dragonflies would land on us while we were eating, we really got a kick out of it! One even brought along a small bee and decided to dine with us. When we finished eating, we started paddling back along the bank, keeping our eyes open for a cave people said you could row into. We were lucky, Billy noticed steam coming off the warm water and was sure of it being a cave. You really would never know it was there if not for that. What a treat!! Wow! There, around a small bend, the most awesome site, it made our day seeing the opening of that cave. We canoed inside and it was truly breathtaking. 
I have such an appreciation for Gods natural beauty. Nature is where I feel most comfortable. I would challenge people to  give up one day going to Wal-Mart or the Mall or wherever they spend money for one day, replace it with a day being completely in nature, somewhere quite in nature and tell me which is more rewarding to the soul. Most of my days are not in the stores bit in the great outdoors, it doesn't have a barcode, counting how many berries you pick off it's blackberry bush or discounts on trail usage. Explore, Embrace, Enjoy.  
Oh yeah, it's awesome for your body! Canoeing and kayaking are low impact activities that can improve your aerobic fitness, strength and flexibility.

Specific health benefits include:
  • Improved cardiovascular fitness
  • Increased muscle strength, particularly in the back, arms, shoulders and chest, from moving the paddle
  • Increased torso and leg strength, as the strength to power a canoe or kayak comes mainly from rotating the torso and applying pressure with your legs
  • Reduced risk of wear-and-tear on joints and tissues, since paddling is a low impact activity.
Some other good reasons to paddle include:

  • Kayaking and canoeing can be peaceful and meditative or can be exhilarating – depending on where and how you do it.
  • Paddling is a great way to enjoy our waterways.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

The definition and benefits of Outdoor Education

Outdoor education is...

An experiential method of learning with the use of all senses. It takes place primarily, but not exclusively, through exposure to the natural environment. It broadly includes environmental education, conservation education, adventure education, school camping, wilderness therapy, and some aspects of outdoor recreation. OE often involves groups actively engaged in adventurous activities for personal growth under the guidance of an instructor or leader.
Common themes include an emphasis on direct experience of the outdoors for personal, social, educational, therapeutic and environmental goals. Use of the outdoors makes a major contribution to physical and environmental education and enhances many other curriculum areas. It contributes to personal growth and social awareness and develops skills for life and the world of work. Qualities such as a sense of responsibility and a purpose in life are nurtured. There is also a great deal of intrinsic enjoyment and satisfaction to be experienced from participation in outdoor activities.

Outdoor activities provide valuable alternative, often non-competitive, avenues for achievement, as well as opportunities to develop independence and self-reliance. Through successfully facing up to the challenges which outdoor activities provide, overcoming fears and apprehensions along the way, participants make major strides in confidence, with implications for all aspects of their development.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Monday Evening 8-16-2010

I am here sitting at my desk tonight being grateful for my day(even if it is Monday). Billy and I went through the day brainstorming on new ways to market One World. I made telephone calls to youth directors while he was emailing prospective clients, all the while entertaining our 3 year old daughter, Eleanore. 
As I wind down from my day, I am reminded how to allow my good intentions to guide me to opportunity. That if I allow things to flow without forcing things to happen when I expect, but rather when it is supposed to, One World will be successful.
I hear the simple sounds of nature in the background, thunder rolling in the distance, cicadas, frogs, and I remember nature doesn't need to plan or make events happen, it just happens, effortlessly.
As I rest tonight, I will intend for great things to happen, not only for myself but for those I love and cherish.
Good Night All.

Welcome to Life in One World

Good day and thank you for taking the time to read about my world.
One World Adventure Company was formed in September 2008. My husband Billy and I had moved to Mentone, Alabama; pursuing the dream of the camping business. Billy took a job as program director at a summer camp for boys, where he later had the opportunity to dream up starting an outdoor education company; something that he wanted since he was 15 years old!!
Lookout Mountain Camp is the perfect backdrop, with 400 acres plenty of room to play, offering a rustic camping experience for churches, schools, and families. One World teaches adventure activities with the focus on environmental stewardship, positive character, and service. Our activities include canoeing/kayaking, hiking/backpacking, ropes course, horseback riding, and more!
Since our conception, we have connected with many different people on many different levels. We are grateful everyday for the opportunity to do what we love and provide superior programs.
Until next time.....